Saturday, April 12, 2008

And what do you know, it's April 12th!

What do you think of when you think of a dozen? A carton of eggs? The Dirty Dozen? Hmm??? Do I hear "the number of miles Linda ran today"?

That's right. Today I ran twelve, count 'em, twelve fierce miles. The first third was steady though I was a little tired and sluggish. Then I really got moving and cruised through the middle third. Round and round Astoria Park I went, and I felt great. The last third...uh...let's just say that on mile eleven I slowed considerably and the last one was a doozy. But - here I am!

"One, two, three FOUR-five six, seven, eight NINE-ten eleven-TWELVE!"
- my favorite Sesame Street song


Kim Diaz said...

I am awed - let me repeat - awed by your running abilities. I am rather jealous. I remember once briefly you tried to convince me to train with you for a half marathon. I should've gone for it.
Run like the wind, baby!

jnap said...


Awesome, just awesome! Wow, go get 'em, girl!
