Monday, May 28, 2007

"I'm alive, and doing fine..."

Happy Memorial Day! Here are some of the things I did today:
  • Went swimming at my trusty ol' Porter Square gym (Bally) in Cambridge!
  • Saw the movie Once (LOVED. IT.) at Harvard Square!
  • Went to a Memorial Day cook-out held on the patio of an apartment in the North End!
  • Rode the T!
  • Rode in a car on I-93 that took the Mystic Valley Parkway exit!
  • Sat in glorious sunshine on a bench while I beheld the sparkling Charles River!
  • Traveled with an extra sweatshirt layer despite aforementioned glorious sunshine, because who knew what the weather would do?
And what do all of those things add up to? Taken separately or together, they can mean only one thing: I'M BACK IN BOSTON!



jnap said...

Linda, like it or not, I think you were meant for Boston.

linda said...

I think I might agree! I resisted that notion for a long time, but while living in Korea (where there's REALLY no Mexican food) I began to look at Boston in a whole new light. Besides, there's a new BURRITO place on the corner by my house here now! So all is right with the world.